Discover Tab and Bug Fixes!

Turas started life as a trip planning app, but we’ve come to see it as a tool that has a part in the full lifecycle of a trip.

We’re introducing a trip discovery feature which allows any user to publish their itinerary as a “story”.

Stories have two purposes.

First, the let you create a micro-blog of your trip. Use it alongside of your socials like Insta, TikTok, and Snap to provide your audience with a deeper narrative around your trip and tips and tricks learned from your travels. Stories let you share your journey in long-form text that tells a more cohesive tale of your travels.

Second, stories can be discovered and copied! That’s right! Anyone can make a copy of your story and create their own trips from your itinerary. This is a powerful way to let others experience your amazing trips and share your itinerary.

Since we don’t have content moderation yet, we’re taking submissions manually. If you’d like to share your story, send us an email! We’d love to feature your story.

You can always share your story privately.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with re-ordering on the timeline view when archived places were present.
  • Fixed an issue when switching between trips and notes would not reset correctly.


  • Fix issue with re-drawing notes when adding, editing, or deleting
  • Add option to reorder notes
  • Change stories to show different note types in different tabs
  • General UX cleanup

We’d love to have your feedback if you have ideas!