Create your first trip

Creating a new trip

You can use turas to add trips you’re planning to take or even trips you’ve already taken so you can share it with friends, family, or future travelers.

Click the Add button to open the dialog to create a new trip:

Click Add to create a new trip. You can create as many as you need.

In the dialog, enter the starting place for your trip. This is the default place that shows in the map when you open your trip. You can change this later:

Type a descriptive starting place for your trip. This is what the map will show when you load the trip.

You can enter place names like:

  • Tokyo
  • Tokyo, Japan
  • Japan
  • Big Sur
  • Big Sur, California
  • Paris

This is the “home” for your map for this trip. If you want to change this later, it’s easy to do just by clicking the title again and changing it.

You can rename your trip by clicking no the name at the top:

You can change the name of your trip at any time.

Click the Add day button to start adding days to your trip:

Clicking Add day will add more days to your trip.

Each day is separated into 4 categories of places:

Organize your places into visit, eat, stay, and transit
  1. Visit – places to visit such as museums, beaches, hikes, and other landmarks
  2. Eat – where you’re interested in dining
  3. Stay – where you’re planning on staying like a hotel, hostel, Airbnb, campsite, and so on.
  4. Transit – waypoints where you are going to transit like a parking area, an airport, a train station, and so on.

💡It’s a great idea to capture all of the places you find as you’re planning; you can delete or archive the places you don’t travel to.

You can collapse the days down by clicking on the arrow on the right:

Collapsing the days down can help you focus on the structure of your trip.

It’s easy to change the order of your trip days just by dragging and dropping:

Just drag and drop to re-order the days of your trip as you plan.

To delete a day, click on the three dots at the right and select Delete:

Deletion is permanent; all places associated with the day are also deleted.

In the next article, we’ll look at how to add places to your trip.