Adding places to your trip

Add new places to your trip

Adding places to your days lets you track where you’re interested in going.

In this article, we’ll see how to use the turas to easily track your places and help you visualize your trip.

Click the “+” button next to the category of the place you’re adding:

Adding Shiba Park Hotel to the day. The map repositions to the place that you specify.

💡You can enter as little or as much information as you like! When you are initially planning, it’s helpful to just quickly add the name of the place first to quickly see the outline of your trip and then come back later and fill in the details later.

The add place dialog lets you add the details about your place:

Adding a new place
  1. Name – The name of the place. When you set this value, the Location will automatically get the same value (but you can change it!). For example “Empire State Building” or “Shibuya City” or “Grandma’s house
  2. Location – (Optional) The location of the place. This can be an address, a Google Maps Plus Code, or a well-known name. In some cases, you may want to add more information to the location. For example, if the Name is generic like “Hilton Garden Inn“, you can add the city and state like “Hilton Garden Inn, Princeton, NJ“. When you add this, the map will change to focus to the place so that you can visually confirm that you’ve added the right place.
  3. Notes – (Optional) Add notes like the website, hours, or contact information for the place. These will be synchronized over to your calendar and to your stories.
  4. Color – (Optional) Select a color for the place when it is displayed in turas.
  5. Icon – (Optional) Select an icon to represent the place.
  6. Budget – (Optional) Enter a budget amount for the place. This is an easy way to track the expenses of your trip. The amount that you enter will be tabulated in the Budget panel and in your story automatically.
  7. Time options – (Optional) We’ll visit this in a moment!
  8. Confirmed – (Optional) If you are planning and adding many places that you’re considering, you can mark confirmed places if you want. They’ll be displayed differently in your trip.
  9. Confirmation code – (Optional) If you have a confirmation code, this is the perfect place to track it. On your phone, you can 1-tap the confirmation code tag to copy it to your clipboard so you can easily send it in a text message.

Finalize your place by clicking on Add.