Media and story options

Managing media for a place

Media can be displayed inline with your days in both the planning and timeline views.

It is also used if you decide to publish a story using your trip itinerary.

On your desktop, you can add media by:

  1. Dragging and dropping
  2. Clicking the Add media button
  3. Or entering the URL of a media to add it for the place
Managing media for a place

The media panel will shows all of the media for the trip. The media that you want to associate with the place are selected for each place.

In this case, this place has two photos selected:

The two selected photos have a teal check while the unselected photos are transparent.

The photos can be shown on the planning board:

Toggling in-line photos on/off.

Use the Show media inline with days option to turn this on and off:

Adding media lets you tell your story more visually:

Photos for the places for a day are shown in the story.

💡You can capture photos directly from your phone as well!

Capturing photos from your phone is a great option while you’re on your trip.

Managing story options for a place

If you plan on publishing a story with your itinerary, story options for the place determine how the place is displayed in the story.

The story options tab let you control how the place is displayed in the story.
  1. Exclude this place from the story. If you have a place that you don’t want to be rendered into the story, you can check this value to hide it from the story.
  2. Alternate name. If you want to use an alternate name in the story, you can use this field to override the default name. This can be useful if you want to have a more descriptive name in your story than in your actual plan.

💡When you make changes to the story options, you need to republish your story for the changes to take effect.