Setting time options for the place
Turas lets you specify detailed time options when you want the place to synchronize to your calendar with a specific start and end time:
- Time of day – (Optional) Instead of a specific time, you can specify a broad time of day like “Morning”, “Noon”, “Afternoon”, or “Evening”
- Start time – (Optional) If you’d like the place to show up in your calendar with a specific time, specify the start time.
- Timezone – (Optional) If you’d like this start/end time to be in a different timezone, you can specify the timezone here.
- End time – (Optional) By default, if you don’t specify an end time, it will be set as 30 minutes after your start time.
- +Days – (Optional) For places that should show up on multiple days, set a number here to carry the place to future days.
For example, with the +Days set to 1:
We’ll see how the time is used when we synchronize the trip to the calendar.
💡If you don’t set start or end times, the place will get rolled up into the event for the day on your calendar. The only exception are “Stay” places which show up as their own event on the day.