
Trip days in stories

You can choose to set a start date for your story or leave it blank:

Setting a start date and deciding whether to show the place details.

💡 Setting a start date is useful if you are a guide or agent and your trip has a specific date.

If you set a date, it is shown in the story:

The trip start and end dates are shown based on the start date and duration of the trip.

Users can also manually change the start dates in the story to see how the trip would look if they started the trip on different dates.

The Include place details option will turn on the place details tab for each day. When turned off, the day will only show the title, sub-title, narrative, and media; none of the places will be shown.

Adding a sub-title and narrative for each day

Each day in your trip will be displayed in a separate section that will let you set the sub-title and the description of the day:

You can change the sub-title and description.

The title of the day will come from the name of the day in your trip.

The media for the day are automatically extracted from the media for the places in the day.

See Media and story options for more details.


Each place for the day is also added to the day in your story. You can override the default name for the place using the story options for the place:

The story options for each place.

Use the Alternate name in the story options tab to override the name.

You can also choose to exclude days from your story using the Exclude this place from the story.