Publishing options

Managing story visibility

Your published story is only available to people whom you’ve provided the link to.

If you’re not ready to share your story or you’d like to retract your story, set the Keep this story private for now; no one can see this story on to prevent anyone from seeing the story, even if they have the link.

The story options

The Keep this story hidden; only users with the URL can see it will ensure that your story is only available to users who have a link (if those users share that link, then whomever has the link will still be able to access it).

Setting a headline image

The headline image is displayed at the top of the page and also in social media “cards” when you share your story link.

For example in Facebook:

How a story link gets rendered in Faceboook

And in Twitter:

How a story link gets rendered in Twitter

We recommend using a large image to get the best results. You can replace the headline image at any time; don’t forget to publish if you do!