Partner Program

What is it?

The Turas Partner Program is for travelers who want to earn money by selling itineraries to other travelers.

If you’re an influencer, guide, agency, or just a regular traveler, this is a great way to monetize your itinerary that you’ve already invested so much time and energy researching!

How do I get started?

  1. Review the seller addendum. The Seller Addendum covers the terms and conditions that you will need to accept to join the Partner Program.
  2. Create a Stripe payment account. To start the process, you’ll need to set up a Stripe payment account2 (the account that we’ll send the money to).
  3. Set a price. Once your Stripe account is set up and connected, then you can set a price on your Turas Story.
  4. Earn 80%1 of every transaction. When other travelers discover and personalize your Story, you’ll get 80%1 of the transaction. For example, if you set the price of your itinerary as $100, you’ll get $80 each time a user purchases an itinerary.

The Partner Program can be accessed from the top right menu:

On the Story tab for the trip, you’ll see the Earn section:

Here, you can set:

  • The price of the itinerary
  • Add discount codes for special promotions. You can edit the codes and any code that you set to $0 will allow free copies.

How do I sell itineraries?

  1. Start by telling a great story. Draw in other travelers with your unique experience and storytelling.
  2. It’s all in the details. Focus on putting a lot of detail into your itinerary including adding media, checklists, budgets, and notes.
  3. Offer unique insights. Share tips-and-tricks, unique destinations, hole-in-the-wall restaurants, and places off the beaten path.
  4. Decide what you share. You can choose what you share in your published itinerary and keep some content hidden until the itinerary is paid for and copied.
  5. Publish your Story. Take your itinerary and create a compelling Story that you can share.
  6. Share your Story. Share your story to social media, on your blog, or as a link off of your YouTube channel. The more people see your Story, the more chances you have to convert!

Why Turas Stories?

You can always build your own site using site builders like WordPress, Wix, or other tools, but Turas offers users several benefits:

  • A low-effort pathway from your existing itineraries to a micro-blog
  • Each micro-blog outputs highly optimized structured data for Google Search results.
  • Each micro-blog is optimized for SEO.
  • Turas offers turnkey monetization; no need to set up your own payment processing flows.
  • Once purchased, your users get a copy of the itinerary that’s ready to travel! All they need to do is put in their own dates.


We’re focusing on building a powerful platform for all users to discover, plan, travel, and share. We’ll continue to invest in improving our Stories and Partner Program in the coming months.

  • Upgrade after copy. Let your users copy the trip, but hide some elements until they upgrade the trip. This improves conversion by showing them a sneak peak into your trip insights and then allows them to pay for the upgrade to reveal all of the details after the copy.
  • Improved page performance. We’re working to improve the page performance for every story even more to help your stories perform even better in search and in your user’s browsers
  • Searchable marketplace. Our Discover tab is still in the early stages. Our goal is to build out a full marketplace with search, recommendations, and more!

1 Rates as of May, 2023; subject to change.
2 To be eligible for the Turas Partner Program, you must be eligible for a Stripe payment account and it must be available in your country. Your eligibility may be terminated at any time by Stripe or by Turas.