New Site, Partner Program, and Lots of Improvements!


  • [Feature] Time entry now supports more formats like: 12 PM, 12pm 14:00.
  • [Feature] Added the option to invite travel companions by email (thanks Lefan!)
  • [Improved] Added an indicator when performing lookup of places from place input fields (usually very fast so you may not notice).
  • [Improved] When you select a day now, the day is highlighted with a teal border so you can tell which day you’re working with.
  • [Improved] When you click a Turas place marker on the map, it will be added to the route so you can draw a path.
  • [Improved] Added a menu to the place items so it’s easier to access the delete option.
  • [Fixed] When you add + Days to a place (for example, a hotel), the additional days now show up correctly when you map the day.
  • [Fixed] Fixed an issue which could occur with media when it fails to load (thanks Lori!).
  • [Fixed] Fixed an issue with the display when a place has a loooooong name. Now names are limited to 2 lines of text and will be wrapped by default (thanks Carl!).


  • [Fix] The story will now filter out places with empty names.


  • [Feature] We’ve turned on our Partner Program 🎉. The Partner Program lets any traveler publish stories that they can monetize by selling through their social channels. Find out more here: and click Partner Program or check out our docs: . We’d love to hear from you if you have questions or feedback.
  • [Improved] Oh yeah – we’ve got an all new landing page! Check it out!

What We’re Working On

  • We’ve got more work to make even faster. We’ve been working on moving the entire platform over to Nuxt.js, but hit a small hiccup this week. Stay tuned!
  • More small fixes in the pipeline based on user feedback including 24H format support, weather API integration, and more!

Did You Know?

You can manage how your travel companions see your trip by selecting a role when you add them to the trip.

  • Owner: full control
  • Editor: can only modify existing places
  • Publisher: can publish the story
  • Viewer: can only view the trip details