Colorado Springs, Colorado

Like the Rockies which formed from crashing tectonic plates, modern Colorado represents a clash of the new and old, the wild and the cultured. Colorado’s many sights have something for everyone whether you seek outdoor adventure, artisan dining experiences, or shopping experience. From Denver to Colorado Springs to Buena Vista to Boulder, this 8 day …

Watkins Glen, New York

Stepping into Wakins Glen State Park, one can’t help but imagine walking through the gorges of Rivendell from Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings. From the awe-inspiring gorges carved through hundreds of thousands of years to the “gorges” waterfalls that abound in the area, you won’t run out of amazing sights to explore. Up state New …

Big Sur, California

Big Sur is a rugged stretch of California’s central coast between Carmel and San Simeon. Bordered to the east by the Santa Lucia Mountains and the west by the Pacific Ocean, it’s traversed by narrow, 2-lane State Route 1, known for winding turns, seaside cliffs and views of the often-misty coastline. The sparsely populated region …